APRIL 17 2018   I am witness to, target of and living  breathing evidence in the Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.  The following pictures and videotape are the first published images of actual Trump/Russian mob intimidation tactics.

My most frequent thug is named Andy, or so he told me.  These video images were recorded in February and March of this year, 2018. As the Special Counsel’s office closed in on them, the Trump people increased their intimidation crimes against me.

The videos represent just some of the many incidents of harassment, menacing, intimidation and much worse perpetrated by the Trump campaign, family, Russian nationals and private security dating back at least to early 2016.

On April 3, 2016, my computer was hacked from Ukraine, a break-in that triggered a computer warning and left digital fingerprints.  In about June or July 2016, Paul Manafort and his minions invaded my gym and locker room, menacing, physically, aggressively brushing by me repeatedly.  In another incident, Donald Junior and others tried to intimidate me on a nearby street corner where he was standing with his wife.  And in yet another in winter of 2016/17, I was nearly attacked on my street at 6am by an assailant who then ran across the street to Trump SUVs.

I was nearly kidnapped from a corner one block over from my street.  The details of that incident are harrowing.  In another incident in 2017, two of their donors, I’m told a married couple, physically brushed by me in a restaurant then waited for me in a store I walk through on my way home from church.

Over the past two months, Trump crime family operatives, thugs and Russian spies have continued their harassment.  One thug passed by me within one foot of me on the sidewalk on my street.  As he approached still about 10 paces away from me, he started reaching into his right front pocket.  He did not appear to be DOJ, NYPD, any private security that may be assigned to me or a local resident on my quiet narrow residential one-way side street at the edge of Manhattan island.  My sense, based on others I’ve seen in these actions, was that he is Russian. 

Once he saw me, he looked at my face intently, as if to identify me.  He reached into his right front pocket and slowly pulled out a phone.  He looked at the phone, then back at me several times as if to confirm identity.  He put the phone up to his ear as he passed by me close enough to brush my arm.  This was shortly after the poisonings in the UK.  Once past me, he crossed to the north side of the street.  I cut short my workout and doubled back within a half hour.  Around the very next corner I found two others, both yelling, speaking Russian, one agitated, standing next to two work trucks.  I reported it to authorities including the description of his clothing and hair.  On the week of 4/23/2018, the pocket digger was out there again just a few buildings down from mine – with a new haircut.  Maybe he thought I wouldn’t recognize him.

So many other incidents.  They park in front of my building, have been inside my building, inside the building elevators I step into right outside my apartment door and apparently inside my apartment.   I took some of these early morning photos of Andy out front on March 22, 2018.  The following morning, on March 23rd, about the same time of day, I walked to the grocery a block away.  When I returned I found my computer sitting on my dining table was almost completely destroyed from physical damage.

They’re targeting a private citizen, an American woman on American soil, invading US sovereignty in a crowded city sometimes in broad daylight where a woman walks alone a few steps from her front door, a grown woman involved in an unannounced plan as a federal administrator.  A nuclear armed foreign adversary trying to destabilize Western democracies cyber-invaded and physically endangered an incoming US Presidential team.  They physically endangered an unannounced incoming federal administrator working on a non-partisan life saving policy.  They continue to threaten my life, invading my privacy and security with computer hacking, intimidation, stalking, menacing, near assault and near kidnapping, all extremely dangerous, all state and/or federal crimes, all very serious violations of my civil rights, a very serious attack on the United States of America and therefore her allies. 

They’re doing so because they’re afraid of who I am, what I wrote and what I know.

I’m a former investigative reporter, a Kiplinger Fellow with a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the Kiplinger Public Affairs Reporting Program at The Ohio State University in a state in which I was born and raised. In 2012, I wrote a formidable water policy creating sweeping federal, state and local economic and environmental benefits, an independent water authority, the establishment of water as a human right and benefits for every American.  And I am a very serious eyewitness to Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

As I first wrote for a speech I never gave at the DNC in 2016, water is life.  This base reality of life on earth is now widely used as a rallying cry at Standing Rock, printed on bags, t-shirts, posters, painted on abandoned sheds and translated to Lakota as Mni Wiconi.  2 million people in the US are living in pockets of water poverty – 3rd world conditions – in every state in the union.

There are 5300 communities in the US like Flint, Michigan with lead contaminated water systems.  In the southwestern US, 40% of the Navajo Nation has no running water.  13% of all tribal lands within US borders lack clean running water. One Navajo elder in her 90’s was found living on tribal lands without running water in her home her entire life.  That’s almost a century – without running water – within these great American borders – where she was forced by the US federal government to live.

Unconscionable, inhumane, heartbreaking, racially genocidal.  The only good news is her conditions and those for millions of others are solvable.  We have the money, the means, the political will and the way forward if we continue to push self-serving bigotry and corruption out of the way, if we continue on that righteous path.

We can, we must and we will.

The non-partisan policy’s underlying principle values water over oil.  Through years of watching national developments and studying research on drought, deaths, flooding, water damage, water mismanagement, over allocation and poor urban planning, I discovered the water policy was much more valuable and desperately needed than I initially realized.

A safe, reliable, clean water supply is imperative to public health, of course, a fact especially evident in hardest hit lower-income communities where polluters prefer to locate refineries, spew their filth and neglect public water infrastructure.  

The policy creates a massive number of infrastructure jobs and an extended robust economic boom in the US, secures environmental protections for clean water, manages flooding, forest fires and storm waters and further enhances national security. An attack on any nation’s water supply is a deadly attack on its very sovereignty and stability. Worth trillions to this nation and benefits to every citizen directly or indirectly, my water policy uses some existing liquid pipelines, builds new and repairs other water infrastructure and applies extensive water conservation variables to secure the earth’s most important natural resource. 

Compiling earth sciences, the work of wonderful water scholars, river lovers and extensive global data, the policy also revealed itself to be quite valuable as exportable expertise.  It saves untold numbers of lives and frankly it feels like I’m spreading seeds of prosperity all over the world.

All good, right?

Yes, except it was not good for the Trumps, their personal financial interests, their Big Oil US backers and Russian co-conspirators.  The problem for the Trump syndicate is that my simple water policy is far superior than any initiative they have or could have created despite their unattributed claims to my work recently in Ohio.  And the policy would cost the Trump syndicate a $500b oil deal with Rosneft, Russian’s state-run oil company and so much more of the nearly inestimable trillions of dollars in global oil profits.

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton had the water policy and me in her back pocket, bulldozers idling, ready to dig up crumbling lead pipes and save lives the minute the race was called.  Trump conspired with a hostile foreign adversary to stop us.  They conspired against the interests of the American public desperate for economic and environmental relief and a clean future to steal the election from Hillary, her team and the American people because of water.

Because … water.
